Call it what you will, but we all need a little pick-me-up, kick-in-the-beehind, you-can-do-this motivation from time to time, don't you agree? It might come in the form of motivational sayings as you scroll, a phone call from a friend, a pat on the back by your kiddo or an inspiring podcast.


So what is motivation?


Motivation is defined as 'a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a certain way'. Other words describing motivation include catalyst, desire, inspiration, inclination or interest, so yeah, motivation is necessary to get us moving forward in life.


Feel  that's something you'd like more of? Try these two easy practices .... and cue your fave motivational music for effect 🎶


1. Surround yourself with people, stories, spaces or things that inspire you. This sounds sooooo simple, but with everything life throws at you PLUS the people & experiences you 'have' to engage with, it's not. It requires your discernment to let go of routines and ways of being holding you back, to make room for what lights you up. It also means you have to go LOOKING, actively searching for the motivation that's right for you.


2. Know your why. Why do you want to achieve what you're striving for? Why do you want to feel a certain way? Why do you NOT want to do something? Questions like these start your brain getting conscious and purposeful. They bring you back to YOU, instead of your sibling, colleague, neighbour or society's 'goals'.  


Withchelle believes a lack of motivation is essentially lack of passion because there are no goals, desire, or willingness to work. Eeeek - that's not who you want to model to your children and just as importantly, it's not a super-fun way to live for you either!


You're amazing and needed in this world. You've got gifts and talents, humour and smarts so keep focussed on the motivation that inspires you. You matter!


In case you're stuck, here's a few motivators of mine:

  • Ordinary darn women! Seriously, if I'm feeling down, lazy or ungrateful, I pick a few mums I know, I think about what their days and nights are like and BOOM, I'm ready and raring again 🎉
  • People who've overcome adversity like Turia Pitt and Emma Carey 🙌 I mean, just wow
  • The older generation, who live each day with standards. Like my dad, who even on his dying day - I'm assuming exhausted, frustrated, sad and scared from being on oxygen for the last 6 months - did his morning routine of presenting himself with respect; face washed, hair combed, dressed and ready to greet the day and his loved ones 🙏


What can you seek out NOW that leans you into the way you want feel, who you want to be, or an action you want to take? Go on - you've got this!


Stay amazing and enjoy



PS Want regular motivation straight to your inbox? Click HERE and I'll pop in every Monday morning.


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