Do you look at others and think, 'how have they got it all together?'


Maybe there was a time you had life worked out and everything was good. You had your mojo happening, relationships felt healthy. You felt healthy! You enjoyed where you were. Life was good.


Then somewhere along the line, you woke up with less passion and more Ughhhh 😩


You might be wondering where it all went wrong and what signs did that 'happy-put-together-competent-person' see that you missed?! Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with you OR with your life. Your feelings are just trying to tell you something.


Do you know what increases this compare and despair? Comparing your behind-the-scenes to other people's highlight reels. Think social media, family photos or a night out.


Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who really have found the sweet spot in their life, balancing work, health, relationships, to-do lists and day-to-day life in a way they truly love. AND they also have times where they feel Blah. Sad. Tired. Busy.


They're human too, don't forget, so just like you and me, they have ups and downs.


"The reason we struggle is because we compare our

behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel"

Steve Furtick


So, what now my dear friend?


Come back to you.

Come back to yourself with compassion, patience, sufficiency and an open heart.


Compassion: be kind to yourself. If you see someone else rocking life, instead of feeling jealous or putting yourself down, use it as inpsiration to know you can do or have that too!

Patience: old habits CAN change in a second, but they can also take time. Be gentle with yourself as you move forward in finding the mojo suited to this time in your life ('cause it's probably different to many years ago)

Sufficiency: this is another way to look at gratitude. Deliberately feeling sufficient helps you not feel needy or without, and the energy from that space is much more aligned with growth than feeling like you're lacking.

An Open Heart: take a deep breath, pull your shoulders down and open your heart, trusting you've got all the wisdom and resources in you to chase your dreams.


Until next time, stay wonderful and enjoy.



PS would love to take these conversations to a group or 1:1? Click HERE for more info, 'cause more aligned and content women makes the world a better place 🌍🥰


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