I see you. I see your smile, though sometimes it’s a show, not indicative of the true way you feel. I see the love in your eyes, but the tiredness behind them. I see your open arms ready to hold your child tight, offering connection and a safe space to run to. I see the meals you prepare. The clothes you wash and the toys you tidy day after day. I wonder if you wish there were arms to pull you in just as you do your child, to connect to, to tell you your taken care of and to return you to your sanctuary. Arms to hold you, reminding you you’re an amazing mom and your children are doing just fine.


Do you worry about your children? Worse still, do you berate yourself when you’re over-tired, pulled in a million directions and you snap, responding with words and tones that aren’t what you want your child to know from you? You’re not alone, I promise. You might feel you’re the only one who struggles, who loses their temper or who favours numbness over feeling, but you’re not.


You’re believing something that’s just not true.


It’s time for you mom. The moment has arrived for you to shake off your past judgements, to stop your self-criticism and reclaim connection to your inner wisdom. It’s time to let go of the thoughts you’re ruining your children and reclaim inspired and motivated progression forward.


Your child chose YOU and this makes you their perfect mother. Regardless of situation, experience, knowledge or beliefs, they need you to remember the woman you dreamed of being and to allow them to experience her. You need this too.


That’s it beautiful person. Put your shoulders down, chest high and breathe deeply. You’ve got this. And with these three heart-centred questions, you’ll be able to reclaim your highest self in no time at all. Dig deep and ask yourself:


  1. What matters?

Both in this moment and in life’s grand adventure, what truly matters to you? What feelings do you want to most experience and show? How do you want others to feel from being in your presence? What do you hope your children know about you?

  1. Where is my focus?

Many areas can be of importance, but only one can be a priority at any given time. What does your focus need to be on right now that is aligned with your answer from question one?

  1. What options do I have?

Once you’ve gained clarity over what matters to you, you then know where to put your focus. Next my dear friend, is action. What do you need to do to align with what’s important to you? Do you need to turn up your music and dance? Maybe you need to move your body or in contrast, stop your body? Perhaps the next best decision in this moment is to drink a litre of water, to put down the chocolate, call a friend, step outside, make a bed or ignore the housework? Only you can answer this question. When you practice listening to inner self, you allow a reconnection. Allow this wisdom to speak and guide you.


I’d love to connect and hear what you decided mattered at this time for you, what you needed to shift your focus to (or from?) and the first action step you took to move you toward personal empowerment. You can let me know in the comments below or via the Developing Dreams facebook page.


Until next time, stay wonderful and enjoy.


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