Just wow.
If you’re one of the few who escaped last year unscathed, savour it my dear friend.
For the rest: kudos for getting through 💪👏🎉
I’m not an astrologer, but limited exposure to this philosophy tells me 2023 likely:
Yesterday morning, on the last day of 2023, I journalled a summary of my year. I wanted to capture the moments that made it significant. After many pages I still hadn’t captured it all … and that was bullet points, not paragraphs.
There was SO MUCH, yet the same old, same old.
There was heartbreak and fear, but there were AMAZING times I'll treasure.
There were firsts and there were lasts.
I got things right, did some good and helped people.
I also got things wrong.
But isn’t that what every year provides, moments of bliss and moments of …. well, blah?
I believe it does, but for me, 2023 presented those opportunities like I was watching a film in 3D. Everything was heightened, exaggerated and felt exponential compared to years before it. The sad was so sad, and the good was great. How about you?
As I’ve continued exposing myself to predictions for 2024, I’ve come to the conclusion it will ask us to reflect on the year or years gone, discern what matters from them, and take actions to align with that. It will ask us to come home to ourselves in ways we haven't before.
That should always be our purpose in life shouldn't it, to find out what matters to us, then action the steps that align?
That’s part of my 3 step coaching framework, EMPOWERED.
If you want to have more conversations like this, come join us in my online membership for mums and early childhood teachers. It’s a safe space to uplevel your thoughts day after day, designed to empower you, and therefore, children. We're not islands and shouldn't be doing life alone, especially something as important as raising children.
As I bid you a virtual high five farewell and pat you on the back as you step into 2024, I urge you to reflect on the year that was, but here’s my rules:
That’s a wrap for me, but as I head off, I wish you every belief, awareness and resource you need to rise up and meet 2024 with love, compassion and faith that you’ve GOT THIS, ‘cause I know you do.
With gratitude,
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